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Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Third Wall Theatre cancels Woyzeck

This is kinda sad... Third Wall's had to cancel the final show of their 2009-2010 season, Woyzeck, because although subscription sales were really high this year, individual ticket sales dropped too far to make it feasible. Damn that economic downturn. I thought when times are hard, people head to entertainment... oh, right, you can go to a movie for $13 and a play's usually more like $30. But still. What if we banned movies for a couple of months? Now there's an economic stimulus. People would be forced to buy books and go to plays.

Anyway, I digress. The thing is, this means that you can get a subscription to Third Wall Theatre for the other two shows (Old Times and As You Like It, the latter with that really interesting dedicated Shakespeare Troupe of theirs) for $50. Check out Third Wall here - they're one of my favorites. Pick up a subscription! Cheap seats and the chance to support a great group.

Posted by Kathryn Hunt at 11:59 AM EDT
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