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Wednesday, 28 June 2006
Here goes!
Topic: Writing

60 hours and 45 minutes left in which to write my three day novel. So far, I've got a page and a quarter written, which I started as soon as the clock struck midnight last night/this morning. This morning I've managed to make coffee and some toast, and check my email, and come waste time here. The feeling when I woke up was interesting, though - almost felt like the morning of a particularly tough exam.

Better get to work, I've got 40 000 words to write (or as close as I can get...)

Oh, and the review of Quebecite? Apparently the new interface this blog host has just put up (which I don't like much) won't let me cut and paste it in, and I'm not retyping it now, so it'll have to wait until I can post it as a web page (which I've been meaning to do) and link to it. Apologies. 


Posted by Kathryn Hunt at 9:13 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 28 June 2006 9:27 AM EDT
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