This is some of what I've been doing at work lately: editing footage from the videocamera from the Fall Edition of the Writers Festival. My first project was the interview Sean Moreland did with Dacre Stoker.
I had no idea what to expect from the book (Dracula: The Un-Dead) and I still think it reads like a sequel to the Francis Ford Coppola Dracula rather than to the novel, but I thought Sean's interview did a lot for how I thought about the book. He quite skilfully addressed the question of whether to accept the 'apocryphal' vampire mythology that has developed since Bram Stoker's book, especially about things like the humanization of vampires since then, the general public acceptance of a romance between Dracula and Mina Harker, the fusion of the original Prince Vlad and Stoker's creation into a much more sympathetic character, the possibility of half-vampires... all the stuff that I guess I was hoping not to see in a sequel to the original (I've had more than enough angsty, pain-ridden sexy vampires, thank you Anne Rice, Laurell Hamilton and Stephenie Meyer.) But I liked how Sean took those ideas on, and traced the history of the vampire as a developing and changing figure in pop culture.
Plus, Dacre turned out to be a genuinely charming and pleasant guy. Likeable right off the bat, and not at all weird or hung up about being descended from Bram Stoker.