I was at Spins & Needles yesterday (what a wonderful event that is, and still going like gangbusters) and got conscripted, along with everyone else present, for the Yellow Dot-tawa Project. This sounds great. It's inspired by the Yellow Arrow Project, and brings together love of the urban world, and a certain amount of fascination with collective and culture (and possibly chaos theory.)
So we all got six yellow dots. The assignment is to take your dots and stick them on or near locations that are significant to you. Then, for the next couple of months, be on the lookout for other people's dots, and go back to visit your dots and see if anyone else has put a dot up there. Watch the dots multiply around town. Part of the fun of it, I think, is seeing the dots and knowing you're part of something that other people might totally miss. Those little significant details that are only significant to a particular group, but right out there in the public space. Ooh, that's nifty.
Then there's part two of the project: Take a picture of your dot. If you have a Flickr account you can upload it there with the tag "yellowdottawaproject," and if you don't have an account, the nice people at Spins & Needles will upload it for you. And then you can go back to Flickr.com and search for the term "yellowdottawaproject" and see what happens!
If you want to play - office supply stores sell sheets of color coding labels. Just pick some up and have fun!
Tonight I'm going to hit Synaesthesia - overlapping disciplines to see what happens! Right up my alley. Arts Court Theatre, 7:00.
And as another note - if you weren't at Cafe Dekcuf last Saturday for Dave Lauzon's show, you can listen to it on the Live Music Archive. His two opening guitarists were also a whole lot of fun and I'm sorry they're not available on this archive. . .